云服务 Cloud Services




Specific functions of cloud services to be confirmed by product definitions.


我们提供的产品和服务均可能在AWS云上进行,AWS承诺严格遵守完全符合GDPR等数据安全合规要求,所有 AWS 服务都符合 GDPR相关承诺和数据保护规则参见AWS数据安全承诺及数据保护政策链接https://aws.amazon.com/cn/compliance/gdpr-center/


The Products and Services we provide may be carried out on the AWS cloud. AWS is committed to strict and complete compliance with the GDPR and other data security compliance requirements. All AWS services are in compliance with the GDPR. For related commitments and data protection rules, please refer to the AWS Data Security Commitment and Data Protection Policy link (https://aws.amazon.com/cn/compliance/gdpr-center/).


1. Access permission: According to the terms and conditions of this Terms of Use, you and your authorized users can only access and use AWS cloud services (hereinafter referred to as “cloud services”) adopted by MGI: (1) for your personal use; (2) according to applicable Documentation; (3) able, and is limited to the restrictions specified in the “documentationfor specific Products and Services.

2软件客户端。云服务要求在您的环境中安装软件(如下定义)(客户端软件)。根据本协议的条款和条件,我方提供授予您一份非排他性的、不可转让的、可撤销的、收费的、有限许可(无再许可权),仅用于安装执行和使用客户端软件:(1)以目标代码格式;(2供您使用,无权通过转让其副本或提供托管服务的方式将此类软件提供给第三方; 3)符合适用于云服务的任何限制要求和文档。您在客户端软件中的许可与您访问需要客户端软件的云服务的权利共存。

2. Software client: Cloud services require software (as defined below) to be installed in your environment (“Client Software”). According to the terms and conditions of this Terms of Use, we provide you with a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, fee-based, limited license (no sub-license right), which is used solely for the installation, execution and use of the client software : (1) in object code format; (2) for your use only, without the right to provide such software to third parties by duplication or through hosting services; (3) in compliance with any restrictions, requirements and “documentation” applicable to the cloud services. Your license in the client software coexists with your right to access cloud services that require the client software.

