
Addendum: ZTRON Specific Scenarios







定义 Definitions



Data Controller’ means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.



Data Processor’ means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.



‘Data Subject’ means a natural person who can be identified directly or indirectly through personal data







(1) Purchase and use of only ZSM

In this scenario, the purpose and method of data processing are determined by you, and the data is stored by you. MGI is neither a Data Controller nor a Data Processor.


Since ZSM is at the forefront of data collection, it will directly collect personal data of data subjects. You should abide by the applicable data privacy regulations and the rules in Privacy Policy, ZTRON Privacy and Security Manual”, “Terms of Use, “Sales Agreement and “Software License Agreement, obtain explicit consent from the data subjects, complete the data protection requirements and assume the data security responsibility caused by your misconduct or negligence.





(2) Purchase and use of only ZLIMS

In this scenario, MGI is neither a Data Controller nor a Data Processor. The purpose and method of data processing are determined by you, and the data is stored by you. You should abide by the applicable data privacy regulations and the rules in Privacy Policy, ZTRON Privacy and Security Manual”, “Terms of Use, “Sales Agreement and “Software License Agreement, obtain explicit consent from the data subjects, complete the data protection requirements and assume the data security responsibility caused by your misconduct or negligence.


3)购买和使用 ZSM+ZLIMS



(3) Purchase and use of ZSM+ZLIMS

Consistent with the scenarios of only purchasing ZSM and only purchasing ZLIMS, in this scenario, MGI is neither a Data Controller nor a Data Processor. You should abide by the applicable data privacy regulations and the rules inPrivacy Policy, ZTRON Privacy and Security Manual”, “Terms of Use, “Sales Agreement and “Software License Agreement, obtain explicit consent from the data subjects, complete the data protection requirements and assume data security responsibility caused by your misconduct or negligence.









(4) Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART +ZLIMS

In principle, MGI is neither a Data Controller nor a Data Processor. However, when you have questions about the exported data, you can make a written request to MGI. Based on your authorization, we will process the problem by accessing the data in the product. During the processing, we may access the personal data of data subjects. Only in this specific scenario, MGI will process data within the scope of your authorization and become a Data Processor.


In addition, due to the existence of third-party software on Zmart, if you purchase third-party software, you may be involved in data transmission and sharing with the third-party software supplier. The related data security risks arising therefrom should be voluntarily borne by you or the third party. Therefore, we recommend you to carefully read the privacy policy and user agreement provided by third-party software. In addition, you should further disclose the risk to the data subject and obtain their legal authorization in a reasonable manner.


MGI has strict supplier security standards. Please consult this link for further information.




您的数据安全责任场景(1购买和使用ZSM场景4“购买和使用ZTRON+ZMART +ZLIMS


(5) Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART+ZSM

In this scenario, in principle, MGI is neither the Data Controller nor the Data Processor.

For additional details about your data security responsibilities, see scenario (1) Purchase and use of only ZSM and scenario (4) “Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART +ZLIMS.




您的数据安全责任场景(1购买和使用ZSM”、场景(2)“购买和使用ZLIMS场景4“购买和使用ZTRON+ZMART +ZLIMS


(6) Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART+ZSM+ZLIMS

In this scenario, in principle, MGI is usually neither the Data Controller nor the Data Processor.

For additional details about your data security responsibilities, see scenario (1) Purchase and use of only ZSM, scenario (2) Purchase and use of only ZLIMS and scenario (4) “Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART +ZLIMS”.






(7) Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART+ZSM+MegaBOLT

In this scenario, in principle, MGI is neither a Data Controller nor a Data Processor. You should abide by the applicable data privacy regulations and the rules in Privacy Policy, ZTRON Privacy and Security Manual”, “Terms of Use, “Sales Agreement and “Software License Agreement, obtain explicit consent from the data subjects, complete the data protection requirements and assume data security responsibility caused by your misconduct or negligence.




您的数据安全责任场景4)“购买和使用ZTRON+ZMART +ZLIMS”和场景(7)“购买和使用ZTRON+ZMART+ZSM+MegaBOLT


(8) Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART+ZLIMS+MegaBOLT

In this scenario, in principle, MGI is usually neither the Data Controller nor the Data Processor.

For additional details about your data security responsibilities, see scenario (4) Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART+ZLIMS and scenario (7) Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART+ZSM+MegaBOLT.






(9) Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART+ZSM+ZLIMS+MegaBOLT

In this scenario, in principle, MGI is neither the Data Controller nor the Data Processor.

For additional details about your data security responsibilities, see scenario (2) Purchase and use of only ZLIMS and scenario (7) Purchase and use of ZTRON+ZMART+ZSM+MegaBOLT.





10Purchase and use of only MegaBOLT

In this scenario, in principle, MGI is neither a Data Controller nor a Data Processor. You should abide by the applicable data privacy regulations and the rules in Privacy Policy, ZTRON Privacy and Security Manual”, “Terms of Use, “Sales Agreement and “Software License Agreement, obtain explicit consent from the data subjects, complete the data protection requirements and assume data security responsibility caused by your misconduct or negligence.












(11) Software and hardware operation and maintenance (all software and hardware products purchased may be involved in this scenario)


When operation and maintenance of software and hardware are required, you or your authorized user can send a written request to MGI, and the software and hardware operation and maintenance will only be carried out after written confirmation from MGI. In this scenario, MGI may have access to personal data and become a Data Processor. All the aforementioned software and hardware products may be involved in this scenario.


MGI is committed to strict compliance with applicable domestic and foreign data security protection laws and regulations, and has used technical means to separately store personal data and operation and maintenance information. In addition, MGI has used technical means to distinguish permissions (administrators and regular users are separated). MGI undertakes to, in principle, not handle personal data in non-essential circumstances.


As hardware maintenance (such as hardware replacement, etc.) is provided by third-party hardware suppliers, we have clear agreements with hardware suppliers on the relevant data security protection obligations and have arranged for them to sign a security supplier agreement to comply with MGI’s internal data safety standard. Particularly, in matters involving the replacement of storage devices, we require third-party hardware suppliers to confirm that the data in the original device has been backed up and cleared by you or your authorized users before replacing the device.


Our suppliers have already made security commitments, and MGI has been urging suppliers to fulfill their data security commitments. Data breach accidents caused by hardware suppliers’ operation and maintenance issues should be borne by the suppliers.



